Monday, February 27, 2017

Well Mardi Gras is about to be over. With the last parades ending tomorrow morning, this was definitely one of my favorite Mardi Gras' that I have been a part of. The past three weekends have been really great in seeing all of the different krewes' floats and dedication to make this season enjoyable for tourists and locals alike. I had a lot of fun explaining some of the traditions to my classmates and friends from both the Pharm program and Vanderbilt that visited over the weekend. But as the saying goes: "With every end comes a new beginning -- crawfish season."

We are completely done with Principles now after our test last week. It is hard to believe that the program is so close to the end. Luckily for us though, we have our shelf exam in a couple of weeks. Now we really get to put our knowledge to the test. Although we have covered so much material, I am actually looking forward to studying and remembering everything. Also, I have been applying a lot of the techniques that we learned about in Molecular Pharmacology last semester in my work in Dr. Bunnell's lab.

Sci High is still going well. Cole and I have been able to tutor the same couple of kids thus far and really form a good relationship to know how to work best. It is comforting to see the improvement in a short time span, as well the gratitude that Mr. Harris shows us at the end of each class period. I look forward to more days at Sci High.

'Til Next Time.

Service Hours Tracker:
February: 6
Total: 14